

1、经典英文笑话大全一:A judge asked our group of potential jurors whether anyone should be excused, and one man raised his hand.一位法官问我们这群修补陪审员是否有人应当免权。一个人举起了手。

2、英语笑话(一) ; ;老师在黑板上写了一句:Time ;is ;money.并让同学们翻译。有名学生答道:“汤姆是玛丽。

3、通俗易懂的英语小笑话篇一 Once upon a time ,a woman had a faithful cat.从前有 个妇人有一只忠实的猫。


1、Once upon a time ,a woman had a faithful cat.从前有 个妇人有一只忠实的猫。And one day,a guy ran over the cat with his horse drawn carriage.有一天,有个人用他的马车将猫辗死。

2、英语笑话(一) ; ;老师在黑板上写了一句:Time ;is ;money.并让同学们翻译。有名学生答道:“汤姆是玛丽。

3、boy said: ;of course can, we';re not one or two years old!;一个三岁小男孩拉着一个三岁小女孩的手说:“我爱你。



1、Goldfish金鱼 Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom 。

2、“Away,away,”replies the king;“if all the brothers you have in theworld give you as much as I have done, you';ll be richer than Iam.” 一个穷汉去见西班牙国王,说自己是他的兄弟,求他施恩周济。

3、英语笑话(一) ; ;老师在黑板上写了一句:Time ;is ;money.并让同学们翻译。有名学生答道:“汤姆是玛丽。

4、Teacher: whoever answers my next question, can go home.老师:谁能回到我下一个问题,谁就可以回家了。One boy throws his bag out the window.一个小男孩把书包扔到窗外。


英语短笑话带翻译篇1 Liar,Liar 骗子,骗子 A wife went to the police station with her next-door neighbor to report that her husband wasmissing.老婆与隔壁邻居到警察局报案 说她的老公失踪了。

英语笑话(一)Q: What';s the difference between a monkey and a flea?A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can';t have monkeys.猴子会和跳蚤有什么不同呢?你可能会直接的想到它们俩是一大一小。

Goldfish金鱼 Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom 。


经典励志英文小故事篇一狼和狗 The Wolf and the Dog There is a wolf He is very hungry and has no strength to find food As he lies under a large tree, a dog sees him The dog sees the wolf is。






英语笑话(七) ; ;传说克林顿和教皇同一天去世,上帝搞错了,把克林顿送上了天堂,而把教皇送入了 ;地狱。发现错误后上帝马上改了回来,路上二人相遇。

英语短笑话带翻译篇1 Liar,Liar 骗子,骗子 A wife went to the police station with her next-door neighbor to report that her husband wasmissing.老婆与隔壁邻居到警察局报案 说她的老公失踪了。

Goldfish金鱼 Stan: I won 92 goldfish.Fred: Where are you going to keep them?Stan: In the bathroom 。

